New COVID Mitigation Policy for Savoy Classes

We are modifying our COVID Mitigation Policy for our October class sessions only. Due to an ever-changing landscape concerning COVID cases and individual decision-making concerning the recent bivalent boosters, we are now waiving past requirements for vaccination proof and solely requiring that students wear a fitted mask, preferably an N95 or equivalent over their mouth and nose, while in class.

Our primary goal while running indoor events has been to promote the safety and well-being of our swing dance community by minimizing possible transmission. At this time, this means utilizing mask usage as a means of transmission control at our classes only.

At this time, our mitigation policy for our dance parties is unchanged and may be found here. To further understand and explore what it takes for our COVID policies to change, you may read this post from July 7, 2022. We will continue to stay updated and apprised of any COVID-related developments. If there are updates, we’ll let our audience know via our website, social media and our email newsletter.
